Monday, December 19, 2011

Untwist the letters GYENSRY for Super Text Twist?

Have 3.5 million points heading for 4 million|||hey there! WOW! You are really going for broke on this thing! Way to go! (I hope you break some records on this text twist!)

Yes, it's synergy, here's the definition:


syn路er路gy [s铆nn蓹rjee]

(plural syn路er路gies)


1. combined effort being greater than parts: the working together of two or more people, organizations, or things, especially when the result is greater than the sum of their individual effects or capabilities

2. combined action of drugs or muscles: the phenomenon in which the combined action of two things such as drugs or muscles is greater than the sum of their effects individually.

In the case of drugs, the result may be dangerous to the patient.

[Mid-17th century. Via Latin %26lt; Greek sunergia %26lt; sunergein "work together" %26lt; ergos "work"]

-syn路er路get路ic [s矛nn蓹r j茅ttik], , adj

-syn路er路get路i路cal路ly [s矛nn蓹r j茅ttik蓹lee], , adv

-syn路er路gic [si n煤rjik], , adj

Encarta 庐 World English Dictionary|||Synergy?

I think. I'm not sure. Is that a word?|||Synergy ... that horribly overused piece of corporate gobbledygook, moving forward.

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